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Tax Syllabus

courtesy : Tax Syllabus



Tax law education is a specialisation of accountants, tax agents, and lawyers. Accountants are required by either CPA Australia to complete a course in law of taxation and law of financial services. There is a legal obligation to complete taxation law and commercial law for registration as a tax agent with the Tax Practitioner’s Board. Law students are not typically required to complete a unit in tax law, but may opt to take it as an elective in Australian universities.

Pertaining to the US


Law School

Post Law School

Pertaining to other countries

Post Law School

General Requirements

In Africa

Most African countries use the British legal education curriculum in their law educational system to train lawyers.

Overall, legal education, across African countries, starts at the university level as an undergraduate course although a few universities have promulgated a law degree as a graduate program “akin to [that] … in the United States, Canada, and India.”

In most African countries, a law degree does not necessarily qualify one to practice as a lawyer. Further post-graduate practical training is required.

Graduates earn an undergraduate law degree, viz. the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), via a four-year program (as in Malawi, Kenya, Zambia, and most of South African law universities). Subsequently, graduates with the Bachelor of Laws seek to earn the Master of Laws or greater in order to become practitioners of the law. Some law institutions offer tracks to a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.), or a Doctor of Laws degree (LL.D.) with emphasis on tax law.

A list of tax faculty ranked by publication downloads is maintained by Paul Caron at TaxProf Blog.

Major issues

Primary taxation issues differ among various countries, although similarities might exist.

Developed Countries

Developing Countries

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