Rules & Regulations
Dress code
– On School Days
Students are required to wear the school uniform / track suit / house uniform / night suit as per the requirement of the day / night; during school hours and thereafter. All these uniforms are provided by the school and therefore no other clothing to be provided by the parents.
– At the time of Exit
Students will wear full school uniform (Beige) at the time of going home or for the local exit and also return back wearing the full school uniform.
Pocket money
Our students are not permitted to keep or handle cash. The pocket money should be deposited with the school Front Desk Executive by the parents. He / she will be responsible for giving out this pocket money when students leave for exit on their own.
Food Items
We do not encourage tuck from home. We provide an excellent tuck facility every Saturday and our kitchen department dishes out a variety of food items on a daily basis as per the needs of the children.
1. To ensure the security of your child, we discourage you from allowing friends & relatives to visit your child from time-to-time. Even as parents you will be allowed to meet your child once a term with prior permission from the Principal via email, however no permission can be granted for the child to be taken out of the school premises other than at the time of the local exit. Parents outside of our country need to provide the complete details of the child’s local guardian.
2. At the commencement of the Academic year, a copy of the School Fixture is sent to the parents, which includes holidays and exit. For the efficient running of the School & ensuring a smooth academic pursuit by your son at school, students will not be allowed exit at odd times except those mentioned in the Fixture. Parents will avoid embarrassment to themselves & disappointment at not being given permission for such exit
3. However, there is the scope for a special leave of up to 3 days once an academic year for any special family engagement. For which, the parents need to inform the class teacher / housemaster in advance and thereafter seek the approval from the Principal.
Communication with parents
We put a great deal of thrust on being in regular contact with you as a parent. Our Principal, Supervisors and Front Desk Executives are always accessible. All of us here at school will be happy to brief you on your child’s progress in every way. You can contact us directly through e-mails or over the telephone.
1. The school fees shall be paid in three Installments.
2. These bills are sent to parents via email, courier and along with the student / parent on the day of exit.
3. If a bill is not received by the Parents, it will not be accepted as a reason for withholding Payment of Fees. Fees can always be sent pending receipt of the bill. In the same way any dispute with regard to a bill sent will not be held sufficient ground to excuse the withholding of the regular dues. The exact amount of a bill should be paid in every case.
4. It is expected that all payments must be made by the due date specified from time to time. Anyone not clearing arrears within the stipulated time will be required to pay a fine of Rs. 100/- per day, commencing from the due date. Kindly note that no application for remission of the fine charged will be considered.
5. Children for whom fees have not been paid up-to-date may be prevented from taking school or public examinations.
6. Transfer certificate will not be issued to a student after withdrawal until all outstanding amounts are cleared.
7. While sending a Demand Draft for payment of fees, the Parents must always quote the child’s account number allocated by the school.
Refund of Security Deposit
The refund of security deposit is made in the month of September/October of any given year, as a rule.
Disciplinary Action
1. Cost of replacement will be charged for breakages, damages and losses.
2. The Principal can, in the interest of the school and without giving any reason, ask a Parent to withdraw a student during the Academic Year or at the End of the Current Term, should the boy’s conduct, behavior or influence, in the Principal’s opinion, be in any way detrimental to the principles/working of the School.
Parents are informed in advance of the exact dates of the commencement of the Academic Year & the beginning of each term thereafter. They should ensure that the children join on the first day of each term, and do not leave the campus until the Principal grants’ permission. During exit the pupil should report back to school on the specified day before 4 p.m. On late reporting, the pupils are charged a fine of Rs. 1000/- per day.