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Physical Education Design

courtesy : Physical Education Design

Physical education

Not to be confused with Physics education.

“Gym teacher” redirects here. For the 2008 movie, see Gym Teacher: The Movie.

Physical education equipment in Calhan, Colorado.

Children using a parachute during a P.E. lesson.

Physical education, often abbreviated to Phys Ed. or P.E., is a subject taught in schools around the world. It is usually taught during primary and secondary education, and encourages psychomotor learning by using a play and movement exploration setting to promote health and physical fitness. Activities in P.E. include football, netball, hockey, rounders, cricket, four square, racing, and numerous other children’s games. Physical education also teaches nutrition, healthy habits, and individuality of needs.

Physical education programs vary all over the world. When taught correctly, P.E. class can produce positive effects on students’ health, behavior, and academic performance. As part of this, health education is the teaching of information on the prevention, control, and treatment of diseases. It is taught with physical education, or P.H.E. for short.

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