1. Indian Constitution at Work: · Understand the historical circumstances and the processes in which the Constitution was drafted. · Be familiar with the diverse perspectives that guided the makers of the Indian Constitution. · Analyze the working of the three pillars of democracy: Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary and their role with changing times. · Identify the key features of the Indian Constitution and compare these to other constitutions in the world. 2. Political Theory: · Recognize the ideas, concepts, and values inherent in the political life of a citizen. · Systematic reflection and critical analysis of the political phenomenon. · Provides a clarity on what is ‘political’ in relation to ‘social’, ‘economic’, ‘moral’, and the like. · Augment the ability of students to build a good state in a good society, and create processes, procedures, institutions, and structures which could be rationally achievable. 3. Contemporary World Politics · Enables an understanding of the nature of political interactions amongst the sovereign states in the World. · Trace the key political events and processes in the post-cold war era. · Analyze the all-encompassing impact of various global institutions, processes, and events. · Promote international understanding and respect for humanity. 4. Politics in India since Independence · Understand and analyze constitutional institutions and their working in the post-independence era. · Appreciate the contribution of political leaders in Nation Building. · Develop the capacity to link Government structure, processes, and their policies with contemporary political realities. · Acquaint the students to the changing trends and developments in India.
Political Science as a field of study in senior secondary classes enable students to get an exposure to political activities and processes that they are exposed to in everyday life. The study of political science has emerged as a multifaceted discipline, involving a contemporary interdisciplinary approaches and empirical framework, emphasizing more on field work rather than theoretical perceptions. The connect between government and citizen ensures the emergence of an active and reflective citizens and vibrant democracy. CBSE has therefore incorporated project work in Political Science to enable students to extend their interest beyond textbooks and provide them with a platform to gather information, value the decisions made to shape the community and visualize future course of action to be taken to ensure healthy democracy. Objectives of project work: · To enable learners to probe deeper, initiate action and reflect on knowledge and skills acquired during the course of class XI and XII · To analyze and evaluate real world scenarios using social constructivism, a theory based on observation and scientific study · To become independent and empowered to choose their topic and gather data from a variety of source, investigate varied viewpoints acquired during the course XI-XII and arrive at logical deductions. · To enquire into, and reflect on, issues independently /in collaboration with others and identify the limitations · To develop 21st century skills of communication, cooperation, coordination, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration to produce an extended and independent work.
Role of the teacher: A teacher should: · help each learner select the topic based on recently published extracts from the news media, government policies, RBI bulletin, NITI Aayog reports, IMF/World Bank reports etc., after detailed discussions and deliberations of the topic. · play the role of a facilitator to support and monitor the project work of the learner through periodic discussions. · guide the research work in terms of sources for the relevant data · ensure that students understand the relevance and usage of primary evidence and other sources in their projects ensure that students are able to derive a conclusion from the content; cite the limitations faced during the research and give appropriate references used in doing the research work · educate learner about plagiarism and the importance of quoting the source of the information to ensure authenticity of research work Project overview: · The Project work will be implemented for 20 Marks. · Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10 marks for project work. · For class XII, the evaluation for 20 marks project work should be done jointly by the internal and external examiners and for class XI the evaluation can be done by the internal examiner. · The project can be individual/pair/group of 4-5 each. The Project can be made on any of the topics given in the syllabus of a particular class or any contemporary issues. · The project work can be culminated in the form of films, albums, songs, storytelling, debate, Role Play, Skit, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event etc. · The teacher should give enough time for preparation of the Project Work. The topics for Project Work taken up by the student must be discussed by the teacher in classroom.